Agora is a project in development. This website is too.
the moment this website goes online ( september 2019) the first outcomes have been realised. During the remaining period of the project, until October 2020, we regularly will upload further outcomes which you will find on the project website under “resources”.
1) Country reports from each partner country:

In the country reports different methods and sources of data collection were used: structured interviews with the parents of children with special needs and with the service providers from different sectors, desk research.


Desk research was conducted by the project partners and was based on official reports and statistical data on the ECI services and legislation in the target countries. The description of the search strategies and the scope of relevant resources for each country are presented in the country reports and available on request.
The families and service providers were recruited by the project partners. The structured interviews with service providers and families were conducted by the staff of the ECI services providers who are partners of the project.
The participation in the structured interviews was voluntary, all participants received detailed information about the goals and objectives of the research and signed informed consent. Confidentiality and anonymity were guaranteed to those participants who chose not to disclose their identity.

Upon completion of the country reports each country team was asked to fill in the DSMECI* checklists reflecting different relevant aspects of the DSMECI components basing on the results of the situation analysis in their countries and to the best of their knowledge. The checklists were designed for the purpose of this study.

* Developmental Systems Model of ECI, introduced by M. Guralnick (2001, 2005)

2) Summary report of the findings in English:

The report represents the result of the analysis and synthesis of the data presented in the country reports based on the situation analysis around ECI systems and services in Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia from the perspective of the DSMECI.

3) Toolboxes for ECI services:

Basis for the toolboxes will be the Guide in recommended practices:
PART I – Early Childhood Intervention: from the neurons to family and social context
Chapter 1. Early Childhood Intervention and its relevance for promoting development
Chapter 2. Early Intervention: a process constantly evolving
PART II: Recommended Practices in Early Childhood Intervention
Chapter 3. A family-centred approach: Guidelines for Recommended Practices in ECI
Chapter 4. The process of family centred intervention

tool 1) early childhood intervention: concepts and underlying vision
tool 2) process of family centred intervention cycles
tool 3) an integrated system sectorial and transdisciplinary
tool 4) evaluation of ECI programs and systems
tool 5) professional development and supervision

4) Implementation of a pilot in each partner country:

EASPD will develop a report on selection criteria for piloting organisations, with a double perspective. We will have first a broad perspective on how services should look like, and then adapt, modify and develop these criteria based on the local framework in each piloting country. A report on the impact assessment of the pilot implementation will follow.

5) Training sessions will be organized in each partner country.

Each local partner will select 3 service providers representing different settings (public/private/small/large service providers). The first training is scheduled in Bratislava, March 2019.

6) Roadshow awareness-raising campaign strategy:

By the 21st month the outline of an awareness raising campaign will be designed and organized in partner countries.
Partners will use the designed awareness-raising campaign to implement a Roadshow at national/regional level in each of the countries involved

7) ECI Agora support network in each partner country:

Partners will make use of the co-production toolbox, the country reports and the Roadshow to create an ECI support network – a “one-stop shop” called ECI Agora.

8) Roadmap report on the support network developed in each partner country:

that will serve to develop a national/regional ECI policy framework and implementation strategy using the newly created support network, ECI Agora.

9) All the project outputs will be gathered in the project website
10) Closing events in each partner country and final European conference in the European Parliament.