Agora is a project in development. This website is too.
What is NASO?
  • National non-governmental organisation working actively for the establishment and implementation of effective national and local social policies, activities and services;
  • Nationally represented organisation involving social service providers, municipalities, employers, NGOs, social services’ staff, working on the territory of the whole country and uniting more than 2 000 structures;
  • The largest national organisation for PwD, member of the National Council for Integration of PwD;
  • Member of the National Council for Social Inclusion;
  • Official representative of the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) in Bulgaria.

NASO’s Structure and Main Achievements

  • NASO has more than 2 000 members, among which 266 are municipalities, 225 are NGOs, 45 are business entities, 1 500 are social service providers, etc. NASO’s members support 33 000 social service users, among whom 13 000 are PwD;
  • Within NASO’s structures, more than 4 000 PwD are employed;
  • NASO has two national offices – one in the city of Varna and one in the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, – as well as 32 representations in all district cities in the country.

NASO’s Activities

1. Support to PwD and other social groups

2. Support for the development of active local social policies and services

3. Support for the development of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Bulgaria

4. Support of organisations and activities in the field of arts and culture aimed at the implementation of social initiatives leading to greater activity, positive attitude and social inclusion of PwD

NASO’s Annual National Forums and Awards

Within its activities, NASO has introduced the conduction of annual National Forums on all topics in the social service sector with the participation of all interested parties. The Forums are being implemented in a partnership with EASPD and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.

Apart from National Forums, NASO does also implement an intensive annual programme of regional and local events in all Bulgarian district cities and municipalities.

In order to promote the best practices in the social service sector, NASO awards annual national prizes for contributions to the social development of Bulgaria in a few categories – municipalities, NGOs, employers, social services, arts and culture.